ABC Downloads: Marketing & Sales Questionnaire


Marketing and Sales are like two sides of the same coin. While one organization may be goaled on generating a high volume of leads or bringing awareness to a product, the other may be goaled on converting these leads to closed/won opportunities that can be tied directly to revenue.

However, these organizations have a lot more in common than one might think. They essentially target the same “contact,” and both contribute to what is now known as “the single view of the customer,” responsible for collecting data and nurturing the relationship of that contact throughout their entire CX lifecycle.

The purpose of a marketing & sales questionnaire is to get these two critical teams aligned. That way, overlaps can be identified (and efforts combined) in order to ensure their customer continues to receive a consistent, connected experience.

ABC has created a common list of interview questions for marketing and sales, which can be downloaded below.

At ABC, we love sharing! Ideas, conversation, and documentation. Please feel free to download the resources we provide here—and reach out if you need further assistance implementing these strategies at your company!


ABC Downloads: CX Journey