ABC Downloads: CX Journey

Post Date: January 8th, 2021


The concept of a customer journey isn’t new. However, it has been a more recent development to actually take this abstract concept, and articulate it into a formal document. This is done through a blueprinting exercise to outline the journey, step-by-step, and overlaying the insertion points for automation/digital tools.

This exercise requires cross-functional alignment at a company, and a shared perspective on the needs of the customer and how best to deliver their ideal, connected experience.


Below, we’ve outlined a high-level view of a CX journey, based off a standard buying cycle and incorporating the marketing channels typically used to reach a customer at that specific stage of the journey.

At ABC, we love sharing! Ideas, conversation, and documentation. Please feel free to download the resources we provide here—and reach out if you need further assistance implementing these strategies at your company!


Campaign Optimization


ABC Downloads: Marketing & Sales Questionnaire