ABC Fireside Chat Series: Building an Employee-First Culture In a Digital World

We’ve seen the tremendous impact that Covid-19 had on workplaces of every industry. Remote work became entirely necessary for most who weren’t essential workers. According to Business2Community, 7 million people worked remotely prior to the global pandemic. In a Future Work Survey, 78% of respondents listed “flexible schedules and telecommuting” a non-monetary benefit that could improve retention rates for employers. The last year forced many to re-evaluate what is and isn’t working for them, in more ways than one. We’re really excited to dive into the topic of creating an employee-first culture in a digital world with Anna Raus.

Anna is a sales professional with over 15 years of experience in enterprise applications, cloud computing, performance and brand marketing in the B2B and B2C business categories. Over the course of her career at corporations like Microsoft, Salesforce, and Spotify, she worked on complex digital transformation projects, built lasting relationships and created multi-million dollar partnerships to drive revenue growth. 

Anna is passionate about technology, partnering with clients to build actionable roadmaps for amazing customer experiences, and is committed to their long-term success. In her free time, she loves spending time with her son Christopher, husband Ken and their three dogs. She is an avid runner, cyclists, and is learning tennis and surfing. 

In this Fireside Chat, Anna shares her take on how C-Suite executives can help influence the workspace to improve and provide better conditions for employees in a digital world — from being listening leaders to providing more flexibility in various ways.

Watch the full video above, or to listen to the audio tune into our podcast on Spotify or Apple below.


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