Watch & Read Anvi’s Dreamforce Session!

We thought we’d revisit a VERY popular topic in today’s post, one that got its own dedicated session at Salesforce’s Dreamforce conference (the largest tech conference in the world with over 180,000 attendees!) at the end of 2019. The content is still extremely relevant and continues to be requested by our clients at ABC. 


Call it a pilot, call it an MVP: either way, it plays a critical role for businesses (particularly those in SaaS) by allowing them to experiment in a controlled environment—one that minimizes risk to existing operations and programs, while offering the potential of maximum rewards (a new product offering, increased renewals, improved CX… the list of “whys” go on). 


In this session, Anvi covers the key features of a true MVP, which is: 

  • They shorten development cycles 

  • They iterate & allow for a persistent feedback loop 

  • They minimize risk & allow the business to the discover the viability of a product or initiative 


(can you tell she is a fan of Eric Reiss?) 


Each of the best practices shared throughout the session are critical to the success of a pilot. See below for a condensed recap of all 6 best practices!  



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